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 Classes & Halls

The School of tourism and hospitality management is equiped with ten classes, is class is equped with a comfortable individual sitting arrangement, a state of the art computer system, a data projector and internect access. this is a standard for all the classes in the school in our efforts to keep phase with todays fast developement of technology.


Demo Kitchen and Mixology Lab

Demo Kitchen 

Demo Kitchens has the entire technological infrastructure and is far more than just a Demonstration Kitchen. The training kitchen is used to assist students in Hospitality Management and gastronomy programs to gain a thorough insight into the operation and management of a professional kitchen. 

Demo Kitchen has the entire technological infrastructure and is far more than just a Demonstration Kitchen. The training kitchen is used to assist students in Hospitality Management and gastronomy programs to gain a thorough insight into the operation and management of a professional kitchen. 


 Computer Labs


The School has three multimedia computer labs fully equipped with latest computer systems and fast internet connection. The computer labs are open between 08:00 and 17:00 for the use of all the faculty of tourism students. All computer labs are directly connected to the school's application server.


Tower Resturant & Bar 


The school of tourism and hospitality management tower restaurant and bar offers student a unique opportunity to experience on the job training during the summer training period. The restaurant is located on the top floor of the school and serves different type of assorted cuisine.

 Research Center

 Our faculty is ranked #12 in the world among 100 universities in hospitality and tourism research — committed to generating knowledge with social, economic and environmental impact. Our research room provides students and assistants spaces to focus on their research. 

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