A collaboration protocol has been signed by The Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) and Limak Cyprus Deluxe Hotel. The protocol was signed by EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Necdet Osam, Limak Cyprus Deluxe Hotel General Manager Mehmet Mülayim and EMU Faculty of Tourism Dean Prof. Dr. Hasan Kılıç at the EMU Rector’s Office on Monday, the 14th of May 2018 at 10:00.
The protocol foresees collaboration in the fields of internship and education with the aim of developing tourism in the TRNC. Speaking at the signature ceremony of the protocol Prof. Dr. Necdet Osam indicated that the two parties have come together for an important cause and the that the protocol will be useful for both parties. Indicating that along with education, tourism is an important source of income for the TRNC Prof. Dr. Osam, highlighted that EMU is trying to train quality personnel for the tourism industry.

In a speech of his own, Limak Cyprus Deluxe Hotel General Manager Mehmet Mülayim touched upon the importance of students gaining experience in the sector, emphasizing that the sector needs competent and well-equipped students. Indicating that tourism is an important sector in the TRNC Mülayim stated that they are ready to do all they can to ensure that students are well prepared when entering the sector.
EMU Faculty of Tourism Dean Prof. Dr. Hasan Kılıç drew attention to the importance of sector-academia collaboration, emphasizing that the aim of the EMU Faculty of Tourism is training quality personnel for the tourism sector. Indicating that the faculty values practical learning Prof. Dr. Kılıç noted that they employ an education vision that merges theoretical and practical education. Prof. Dr. Kılıç concluded by relaying his best wishes about the new protocol.