In scope of 10 November commemoration organisations for the Great Leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Faculty of Tourism in collaboration with the Gastronomy Club operating under the Social and Cultural Activities Directorate served Atatürk's favorite dishes at a reception held at EMU Tourism Faculty Tower Education and Practice Restaurant. Present at the said event were EMU Board of Trustees (BOT) President Dr. Erdal Özcenk and EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Aykut Hocanın, BOT Members, Vice Rectors, Deans, Directors, Atatürk Research and Application Center (ATAUM) President and academic staff members.,
In his speech, EMU ATAUM Chair Assist. Prof. Dr.Turgay Bülent Göktürk stated that they commemorated the Great Leader Atatürk with various activities at EMU, and stated that Atatürk entrusted the Republic, with his famous statement "My Most Precious Work", to the youth, and that today they commemorate him with the meals prepared by the youth. Emphasizing that the important point is to understand Ata, Assist. Prof. Dr. Göktürk pointed out that it is extremely important to convey his ideas and thoughts to the youth correctly. Assist. Prof. Dr. Göktürk also emphasized that they will continue to do everything they can to ensure that young people learn Atatürk's principles and reforms correctly and pass them on to future generations.
Stating that they commemorate Mustafa Kemal Atatürk with great longing, EMU Tourism Faculty Vice Dean Assist. Prof. Dr. M. Güven Ardahan emphasized that as the Tourism Faculty, they prepared the dishes that Atatürk loved with the efforts of the EMU Gastronomy Club in order to keep his memory alive. Assist. Prof. Dr. Ardahan stated that with the said event, they observed that Ata fed his soldiers and then himself with simple meals under the difficult conditions of the period.
Stating that they have come together to commemorate Mustafa Kemal Atatürk on the 84th anniversary of his demise, Prof. Dr. Aykut Hocanın emphasized that they tasted Atatürk's favorite dishes, listened to his favorite music and watched the zeybek dance show. Putting forth that the event was a means to feel and think like him in the face of the difficulties that Atatürk went through, Prof. Dr. Hocanın stated that after the victory in the war of independence, the proclamation of the Republic of Turkey was the greatest legacy of Atatürk left to the Turkish nation. Prof. Dr. Hocanın said, “As EMU, we will continue to develop ourselves on the path of knowledge and wisdom that Atatürk showed us, and we will continue to work for contemporary, innovative, democratic and peaceful activities.”

Speaking at the event, EMU Board of Trustees President Dr. Erdal Özcenk stated that they have come together to commemorate Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and conveyed his thanks to those who contributed to the preparation of his favorite dishes.

The Gastronomy Club team consisting of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts students, prepared the following menu together with their instructors: mashed broad beans, feta cheese, white roasted chickpeas, melon, yoghurt, lettuce salad, okra with meat, oily beans, sultan’s delight, chicken rice pilaf, rice with butter, pastry with feta cheese filling, Thessaloniki pastry, ayran, lemonade, pomegranate sherbet and semolina halva. At the invitation, Atatürk's eating habits, the story of his favourite dishes were explained to the participants by the Atatürk Ideology Club.