The Eastern Mediterranean University (DAU) hosted the Knowledge and Skills Competition amongst Vocational High Schools organized in collaboration with the Ministry of National Education and Vocational Technical Education Department of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC).
The competitions took place on 14 April, 2023, at 9:00 am in EMU Tourism Faculty's application kitchens, Tower Barista Cafe, and EMU School of Computing and Technology electric-electronic laboratory and computer laboratory. The students who ranked high in the competition were presented with their awards at the Mustafa Afşin Ersoy Hall at 3:00 pm, in the presence of the TRNC Minister of National Education, Nazım Çavuşoğlu. The ceremony was attended by Şifa Çolakoğlu, the Republican Turkish Party Famagusta Deputy, Dr. Süleyman Uluçay, the Mayor of Famagusta, Dr. Erdal Özcenk, President of EMU Board of Trustees, Prof. Dr. Aykut Hocanın, Rector of EMU, Gülşen Hocanın, Director of Vocational and Technical Education Department, Anıl Kaya and Ersun Kutup, members of EMU Board of Trustees, Prof. Dr. Hasan Kılıç, Dean of Faculty of Tourism, and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ece Çelik, the Director of School of Computing and Technology, as well as high school principals, teachers, and students.

EMU Awarded Scholarships to the Winners of the Competition
The ceremony began with a moment of silence and the national anthem. Gülşen Hocanın, Director of Vocational and Technical Education Department of the TRNC Ministry of National Education, stated that their sole goal is to create a productive country and youth. She emphasized that lifelong education is an indispensable element of their activities.

EMU Rector, Prof. Dr. Aykut Hocanin, stated that in the former year's Knowledge and Skills Competition between Vocational High Schools, the students who ranked were awarded scholarships to EMU's related programs, and added that this has become a tradition that will continue this year as well. Prof. Dr. Hocanın also put forth that with its all possibilities, EMU is always ready to support TRNC.

"TRNC Minister of National Education, Nazim Cavusoglu, thanked EMU for hosting the competition and providing educational opportunities for Dr. Fazil Kucuk Industrial Vocational School students on campus in collaboration with Famagusta Municipality after the Adiyaman Earthquake. Minister Cavusoglu emphasized the importance of having a certain level of know-how in every country, especially after the pandemic, and noted that the participating students have become capable of producing.
After the opening speeches, the protocol presented awards to the students who ranked in the competition. Students showed their skills in the fields of culinary arts, electrical/electronics, service, general tourism, information technology, computerized accounting, cocktail, barista, construction, and graphics/photography in competitions held at DAU's Faculty of Tourism and the School of Computing and Technology. The students who competed in the graphics/photography field presented their work on "Vocational Education" to the jury for evaluation."
"12 vocational high schools participated in the competition, namely Sedat Simavi Vocational High School, Atatürk Vocational High School, Osman Örek Vocational High School, Haydarpaşa Commercial High School, Güzelyurt Vocational High School, Cengiz Topel Vocational High School, Kyrenia Tourism Vocational High School, İskele Commercial High School, Karpaz Vocational High School, Famagusta Vocational High School, Famagusta Commercial High School, and Dr. Fazıl Industry Vocational High School. More than 130 vocational high school students competed in the competition, which was evaluated by 65 expert jury members from the industry and representatives from universities in Northern Cyprus."
Winners of the Competition:
Computerized Accounting – First place: Feride Algın (Famagusta Trade School), Second place: Arda Behlül (Haydarpaşa Trade School), Third place: Gamze Ceylan (Haydarpaşa Trade School) and Dicle Biçer (Famagusta Trade School)
Construction (AutoCAD) – First place: İllia Mamamiev (Güzelyurt Vocational School), Second place: Mehmetali Yıldız (Sedat Simavi Vocational School), Third place: Ertan Şoföroğlu (Dr. Fazıl Küçük Vocational School)
Construction (Hand Drawing) – First place: Mustafa Çevik (Dr. Fazıl Küçük Vocational School), Second place: Sabri Can Sokollu (Sedat Simavi Vocational School) and Mert Özalkan (Dr. Fazıl Küçük Vocational School), Third place: Yağmur Asilkan (Dr. Fazıl Küçük Vocational School)
Electrical - Electronics / Control Competition – First place: Salih Giritli (Güzelyurt Vocational School), Second place: Kerem Düzgün (Dr. Fazıl Küçük Vocational School), Third place: Cengiz Ceyhan (Cengiz Topel Vocational School)
Electrical - Electronics / Installation Competition – First place: Eyüp Bingöl (Güzelyurt Vocational School), Second place: Mustafa Çapuk (Dr. Fazıl Küçük Vocational School), Third place: Necat Şenkurt (Karpaz Vocational School)
Electrical - Electronics / Electronic Competition – First place: Emirhan Barış Özşahin (Cengiz Topel Vocational School), Second place: Cumali Şengül (Dr. Fazıl Küçük Vocational School), Third place: Cemilcan Üngüder (Sedat Simavi Vocational School)
Informatics – First place: Arda Çelik, Semih Esmekboğa, Kutluhan Akyol, Nevzat Aslan, Kuzey Yiğen, Baran Serbülent (Dr. Fazıl Küçük Vocational School), Second place: Alper Yüksel, Atik Kerim Altın, Mert Altunsoy, Halil Batık, Yiğit Egemen Durmaz, Mehmet Deniz Demirdelen (Sedat Simavi Vocational School), Third place: Yusuf Ziya Gündüz, Efe Erol Dulkadir, Ali Kemal Zorkun, Seyit Hastürk, Bartuğ Bahar, Erdem Kıranel (Cengiz Topel Vocational School)
General Tourism – First place: Furkan Çalışır, Sinem Aydın (Kyrenia Tourism Vocational School), Second place: Habibe Karagün, Nevran Selen Güçlü (İskele Trade School), Third place: Turan Tuna, Sevgi Çalış (Haydarpaşa Trade School)
Photography – First place: Berke Çağıl, Second place: Gülhanım Karlıtepe, Third place: Batuhan Zahteroğlu (Atatürk Vocational School)
Poster – First place: İnga Chirilenco, Second place: Zeynep Su Altınok, Third place: Eylül Başlı (Atatürk Vocational School)
Barista – 1st place: Başar Hacıoğluları (Haydarpaşa Trade Vocational High School), 2nd place: Yeliz Şahin (Haydarpaşa Trade Vocational High School), 3rd place: Melda Nur Yılmaz (Kyrenia Tourism Vocational High School)
Cocktail – 1st place: Mert Aslantürk (Kyrenia Tourism Vocational High School), 2nd place: Çağkan Kurşun (Kyrenia Tourism Vocational High School), 3rd place: Nuray Birinci (Güzelyurt Vocational High School)
Kitchen – Service – 1st place: Ramazan Rustamov (Kyrenia Tourism Vocational High School), 2nd place: Ayten Nur Gündoğ (Haydarpaşa Trade Vocational High School), 3rd place: Görkem Özgürer (Famagusta Trade Vocational High School)
Kitchen – Local Cuisine – 1st place: Banu Selim Babaoğulları, Akasya Günal (Haydarpaşa Trade Vocational High School), 2nd place: Aysel Kasap, Çığıl Cambaz (Haydarpaşa Trade Vocational High School), 3rd place: Kader Kurnaz, Yaren Kara (İskele Trade Vocational High School)